film n. 1.薄层,薄膜;薄雾,轻烟;细丝状的东西。 2.【摄影】感光乳剂,照相软片,电影胶片;影片。 3.〔 pl.〕〔集合词〕电影。 4.(眼中的)薄翳。 carbon resistance film 【电学】炭膜电阻。 a film of gossamer 蜘蛛丝。 a roll [spool] of film 一卷胶片。 a magnetic film (录音)磁带。 a silent film 无声电影,默片。 a sound film 有声影片。 a talkie film 有声对白影片。 a documentary [feature] film 纪录[故事]片。 a three-dimensional film 立体电影。 film actor [actress] 电影男[女]演员。 film cutter 电影剪辑员。 film play 电影剧本。 have a film over the eyes 看不清楚。 vt.,vi. 1.(在…上)蒙上薄膜;(使)生薄膜;(使)变朦胧。 2.(把…)摄成影片;(使小说)电影化。
On cultural strategic of chinese film art ' s going into the world 中国电影艺术走向世界的文化策略
Flowing note on colorful keys - on colors in aesthetic creative effect of film arts 试论色彩在电影艺术中的审美创造功能
Some international film historians hold that shadow show art spearheaded the film art 国际电影史理论界公认,皮影戏艺术是后来发明电影的先导。
Since the foundation of shanghai film art centre , many prc top leaders have visited it , including stars both from china or abroad 上海影城建成至今,党和国家的许多领导人先后来影城。众多的国内外明星在这里留下了他们的足迹。
Bong joon - ho was born in south korea and studied at the korean academy of film arts , where he directed his short graduation film , incoherence ( 1995 ) 奉俊昊出生于韩国,曾就读于韩国电影艺术学院,期间他执导了毕业短片《语无伦次》 ( 1995年) 。
They carried out their first " smiling task " on saturday at the shanghai film art centre , where they smiled at all the visitors and asked if anyone needed any help 上周六, “微笑志愿者”小组在上海电影艺术中心执行了第一个“微笑任务” :面带微笑询问来访者是否需要帮助。
They carried out their first " smiling task " on saturday at the shanghai film art centre , where they smiled at all the visitors and asked if anyone needed any help 上周六, “微笑志愿者”小组在上海电影艺术中心执行了第一个“微笑任务” :面带微笑询问来访者是否需要帮助。
After graduating from the film art department , seoul institute of the arts , son made her debut in the mbc drama delicious proposal in 2001 , and also later went on to films 毕业于汉城艺术学院的电影艺术系,后在mbc电视台2001年的电视剧集《美味的求婚》中初次露面,后又踏足电影圈。
This course is a seminar on the philosophical analysis of film art , with an emphasis on the ways in which it creates meaning through techniques that define a formal structure 这堂课是以哲学方法分析电影艺术的专题讨论,所强调的是,电影艺术如何运用技术,使形式结构变得明确,进而创造意义的方法。
With world most advanced high - tech methods , the cinema combines traditional film art with advanced digital technology perfectly , and the 180 - degree circular - screen four - dimensional movies are played synchronistically by six sets of large - sized equipments 该影院采用世界一流的高科技手段将传统的电影艺术与先进的数码科技有机结合起来, 180度环幕立体四维影片通过6台大型放映设备同步播放。